Help & Support
Believe in children | Children's charity | Barnardo's (barnardos.org.uk)
Bereaved young people
Hope Again website for bereaved young people provide by CRUSE - http://hopeagain.org.uk/
CRUSE – promotes and supports well-being of bereaved – http://www.cruse.org.uk/home
Bullying UK – Bullying advice | Bullying UK Kidscape - preventing bullying and child abuse – www.kidscape.org.uk
Support for children and young people www.childline.org.uk/
Children in Public Care
Working to improve public care for children: the charity for children in care and young care leavers becomecharity.org.uk
Child Criminal Exploitation
Modern Slavery - UK Human Trafficking Centre - Modern slavery and human trafficking - National Crime Agency
Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (PACE) - Parents Against Child Exploitation (Pace) UK (paceuk.info)
Domestic Violence
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Partnership - www.cambsdasv.org.uk
Womens Aid – working to end domestic violence against women and children - Home - Women's Aid (womensaid.org.uk)
Embrace – Child Victims of Crime https://embracecvoc.org.uk/
Support for children and young people living with domestic violence www.thehideout.org.uk
Safe Lives – Charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse http://www.safelives.org.uk/about-us
Teenage Relationship Abuse https://www.disrespectnobody.co.uk/
Drugs and Alcohol
Cambridgeshire Adolescent Substance Use Service (CASUS) www.casus.cpft.nhs.uk
Alcohol Education trust http://www.alcoholeducationtrust.org/
Adfam - Family drug and alcohol support www.adfam.org.uk
Eating Disorders –
Beating eating disorders www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Self help toolkit | Personalised Eating Disorder Support (PEDs) (pedsupport.co.uk)
Female Genital Mutilation
NSPCC 24 hour helpline – contact anonymously on 0800 0283550 or email fgmhelp@nspcc.org.uk
Forced Marriage
Forced marriage - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Halo Project http://www.haloproject.org.uk/
The Kite Trust – Gender and Sexuality supporting young people www.thekitetrust.org.uk
Mermaids https://www.mermaidsuk.org.uk/
Mental Health
Kooth Home – Kooth
Keep Your Head Mental Health Service (keep-your-head.com)
Charlie Waller Trust Charlie Waller Trust, mental health charity
MIND - information and advice about mental health issues www.mind.org.uk
Young Minds – charity committed to improving mental health of children and young people: http://www.youngminds.org.uk/
Samaritans – confidential emotional support 24 hours per day Contact Us | Samaritans
NSPCC protecting children and providing support for parents, children and young people. P
Online safety
Please visit our Online Safety Page.
Parent and family support
Contact A Family – Promotes support between families caring for children with disability https://www.contact.org.uk/
Home-Start – support, advice and practical help to families – www.home-start.org.uk
Parent's Toolkit
'BBC Bitesize Parents' Toolkit is the place for mums, dads, carers, and the whole parenting community to find stories, expert advice and fun activities that will help you support your child in a changing world.'
Parents in prison
Breaking Barriers – Ormiston Families https://www.ormiston.org/what-we-do/working-with-families-affected-by-offending/breakingbarriers/
Supporting children of offenders https://www.nicco.org.uk/
Self Harm and Suicide
Site for young people www.selfharm.co.uk
HOPElineUK – prevention of young suicide - 0870 170 4000 www.papyrus-uk.org
The Mix https://www.themix.org.uk/mental-health
Young Minds http://www.youngminds.org.uk/
Sexual Abuse
The Elms – Sexual Assault Referral Centre – SARC www.theelmssarc.org
Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse Home - CSA Centre
Stop it Now! - public information and awareness raising campaign regarding child sexual abuse - www.stopitnow.org.uk
The Lucy Faithfull Foundation www.lucyfaithfull.org.uk
National Association for People Abused in Childhood www.napac.org.uk
Cambridge and Peterborough Rape Crisis Centre https://www.caprcp.org.uk/
Mpower - Supporting Male Survivors of abuse www.male-rape.org.uk
Survivors UK – male rape and sexual abuse www.survivorsuk.org
MOSAC (supporting non-abusing parent/carer of sexually abused children) www.mosac.org.uk