From September 2024, we are working inline with DfE guidance, 'Working Together to Improve School Attendance' (August 2024) Our policy is reflective of this guidance and can be found below.
Classroom doors open at 8:40 am (8:45 for Acorn Class) and the register is taken at 8:50 am.
If your child arrives after 8:50 am (via the office) they will be marked as 'Late before the register closes' (L). If your child arrives after 9 am, they will be marked as 'Late after the register closes' (U). Codes will be included within your child's overall attendance figure.​
Absence Protocol
If your child is absent from school, you must notify the school by 9.00 am (by email or telephone) of the reason for absence. If we have not heard from you, we are obliged to investigate your child’s absence. This is likely to include contacting all contacts recorded for your child via telephone and/or email. It may include a home visit/safety and wellness check if we have been unable to make contact. It is a legal requirement for all children to attend school from the term after their fifth birthday. With consent from the Headteacher, pupils may participate in approved educational activities, such as a sporting event or musical examination.
Illness Advice
Please find below a basic summary showing recommended times for children to be away from school when suffering from childhood diseases. A comprehensive list is available in Guidance on Infection Control in Schools, a copy of which is on display in school or can be accessed via the link.
Please notify us if your child contracts one of the following conditions:
Term-time Holidays
Children of school age who are registered at a school must, by law, attend that school regularly. Regular attendance is the best way of ensuring that a child makes the most of the educational opportunities which are available to him or her. When a child is absent from school, he or she misses not only the teaching provided but is also less prepared for the lessons after his or her return.
There are only 190 statutory school days in one year and 175 days (weekends and school holidays) available to use for holidays. Therefore every school day counts!
Term-time holidays will not be authorised unless in exceptional circumstances. Please see our attendance policy for what may be considered as exceptional circumstances.
The regulations make it clear that parents do not have any right or entitlement to take a child out of school for the purposes of a term-time holiday.
If parents take their child on holiday in term time this will be counted as unauthorised absence - this is the same as truancy and you may be at risk of a penalty notice being applied.
Scarlet Fever
Sickness and/or diarrhoea
Absence from school
5 days from the onset of rash and until blisters are crusted over
Until lesions are crusted or healed
4 days from onset of rash
24 hours after starting appropriate antibiotic treatment
48 hours after symptoms stop
None. Please treat as per NHS advice
5 days after onset of swelling