Birch Class (Year 2/3)
Welcome to Birch Class! We are named after the Silver Birch. A striking tree, with silvery white bark, which when mature can reach 30m in height, forming a light canopy with elegant, drooping branches.
Please see our curriculum web below to find out about what we are learning this term. You will also find our class timetable and note that PE days are Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Homework is set on Friday and comprises of: daily reading and spellings (in your child's yellow spelling folder). Maths tasks, via the Mathletics website. Times tables practice (2, 5,10, 3, 4, 8) using tackling tables cards and online resources such as pinpoint times tables, timetables.co.uk and The Times Tables App (which helps build understanding).
If you have any questions about any aspect of school, please see me after school or contact the office to arrange an appointment.
Mr Beavan