We are a one form entry school, with a published admission number of 30 per year group. Each class has it's own dedicated classroom, suitably equipped for the age of the children in the class. Our classes are all named after trees; with our youngest children beginning life at Steeple Morden as Acorns in Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception) and finishing their primary education with us as Oak Class (Year 6). Please select your child's class to find out more about what they have been learning.
Children's Activities
We hold a number of extra-curricular activity clubs before school, at lunchtimes and after school. For more information please go to the Clubs Page.
School Council
Our School Council, made up of representatives from every class (voted for by our peers) and we meet every month. Our views feed into decision making at our school Minutes of our meetings are available to view below and these are some of our recent highlights:
We wanted to update our reading material and introduce books to school that our classmates had enjoyed reading at home. We also asked our teachers if there were books they thought we would enjoy reading, that we can see ourselves in but also show what the wider world is like. We worked with the finance manager to set up an amazon wish list so people know what we would like. This has so far resulted in about £2,000 in new books that we can read in school and we continue to update this regularly.
We raised £180 for charity by organising a bake sale and treasure hunt – this was split between the school and our nominated charity, Water Aid.
We have sought and documented the views of our classmates on a range of issues such as:
• what makes a good display
• how would you like to be rewarded for good behaviour
• what opportunities they would you like in geography fieldwork
• how are we resilient
• what is our playground experience how could it be improved
• what helps you to reflect and be calm in school
• what ideas do you have around the four curriculum drivers: arts, environment, independence and spirituality.